Wednesday, September 26, 2012

dress into skirt

I've found it very frustrating to have plenty of cute skirts, but not be able to wear them cause I'm pregnant or still haven't lost my baby fat.  Now you could say to me, just buy new skirts, but I can't seem to find any I love the way I love what's in my closet.  So I've sent myself on a quest to find the solution.... and here it is in all its glory!

I had this dress, size 8, that I had my bridesmaids wear when I got married.  My sister hated the way it looked on her and gave it to me. I liked it at the time, cause I was smaller.  I grew out of it with my first pregnancy and then shrunk back into it between my two kids.  This time, though I thought I had shrunk back into it, but broke the zipper when I tried to put it on.

Now what do I do I thought? Trash it?  No, if Pintrest has taught me anything it has taught me try to recycle it before you trash it, what could you lose? I thought, why not make it into a skirt.  So I bought a new shorter zipper and attempted to put it in.  It was too hard for me.  I'm an amateur sewer at best and that was beyond me.  Then as I was looking for ideas for the young women in our ward for DIY skirts, I came across a skirt that used a t-shirt fabric to make a stretchy waist band and mixed with a tutorial on how to make maternity pants with an old t-shirt, I had an epiphany.  No zippers! A waist band that grows and shrinks with you!  Genius!

Now I'm not the kind of person who always remembers to take pictures along the way of crafting, so I only have pictures of the final product.
 yes I'm standing on the tub.  I don't have a long mirror.  So that's what it looks like on.  Long enough that I'm not tugging when my kids sit on my lap at church, and to hide my ugly knees.
 laid out so you can see kind of what I did.  I cut the dress at the waist.  I cut an old t-shirt at the arm pit. And sewed the raw edges together.
 see how I have the t-shirt inside out? wrong side to right side.
 that's so when you fold it down the right seam is showing.
 Like this.

My before picture, with my sister wearing the dress.

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